We have some sad news to report. Long time member of YYZ Airport Watch Steve Meaney has passed away. Steve was a stalwart participant in the group, and was one of the first 100 members. He had valiantly fought severe medical problems for several years. He could often be seen spotting at Runway 05 on his breaks from work at Princess Auto, and on the weekends with his buddies in his lounge chair with a cooler beside him at Director`s Gate. His friendly east coast demeanor was contagious, as was his jovial sense of humor. He will be missed by all who knew him There are no funeral arrangements, however, a memorial service may take place at a later date. We will forward details if this transpires.
All posts by AirportWatchAdmin
It has been a busy winter for many of the YYZ executive, and many changes will soon be transpiring within the group. For this reason, combined with many personal commitments, the AGM has not yet been scheduled, and obviously will not be held this weekend, when it usually is each year. As soon as we to sort out the changes, the meeting will be scheduled and the group will be advised at the earliest possible date. We apologize for not sending out notification earlier. If anyone has ideas for the AGM, or possible guest speaker presentations, please contact Andy at andrew.cline@sympatico.ca
Derek Horsey
It is with sadness and heavy hearts that we have to announce the passing of YYZ Airport Watch member and former Tour Director Derek Horsey. Derek fought a long and valiant battle with cancer but unfortunately he succumbed on Saturday October 29th. Those that knew Derek know what a true gentleman he was, and his characteristic British sense humour and staunch enthusiasm for the hobby were legendary. Derek, who originally hailed from England had many stories to share of aviation in it’s glory years. His role as Tours Director for YYZ Airport Watch saw him organizing virtually every event we have participated in as a group in recent years. He will be sorely missed by all who knew him. We know that you will share in sending our condolences to his family. Derek has been cremated, and as per his wishes, there are no plans for a funeral or memorial service. Obituary
GTAA and City of Mississauga announce new viewing facility
It has been a good year for spotting and some interesting developments. The newest on the spotting scene has been GTAA’s announcement in conjunction with the City of Mississauga of a new aircraft viewing facility at the newly developed Danvile Park. This is located on a series of large hills on the west side of Highway 410 between Courtneypark and the 401. The park is a City of Miississauga initiative, which GTAA has kindly supported by donating $300,000 to create a pavilion which will afford a good, although distant view of Pearson to the east. It is located approximately midway between the approach for runway 05 and 06L, and aircraft on arrival can be seen but only from a long distance, and unfortunately can only be photographed with very long telephoto lenses or heavy cropping of the images. GTAA is hoping the park will increase awareness of the airport and it’s role in the community with the general public which will use the park. It also features cricket pitches, toboggan hill, dog park and other attractions.
GTAA also installed an indoor viewing area at the west end of the renovated Terminal 3 Pier (airside) in 2015. it includes stabilised binoculars and interpretive panels. These moves address the general public’s casual interest in aviation in Toronto, but unfortunately do little to address the case for official viewing areas on the periphery of Pearson itself, which would obviously be preferred by enthusiasts such as ourselves. Future plans may include the establishment of other viewing areas at Pearson according to a GTAA spokesperson. YYZ Airport Watch will happily provide information, suggestions and support for any GTAA spotting area initiatives as required.
YYZ Airport Watch Committee Director Andy Cline commented on the new park in an interview with Global News last week.
GTAA provides more information on their website.
Upcoming event – CAHS Dinner Sunday May 1
From John Bertrand:
I am sending out this “Last Chance” flyer to anyone who may not yet have heard about the very special annual dinner meeting being held this May 1st by the Toronto Chapter of the Canadian Aviation Historical Society..
This year, TWO guests will be in attendance to show and discuss examples of their work, and each gentleman has some extremely impressive work to discuss…
But since it would now be cutting it too close to try and mail in a cheque + a printed form, if you’d like to reserve a last-minute spot please send me a reply at jb@jbmg.ca (or call 416-702-2486), or better still, contact Sheldon Benner (who’s overseeing the total guest list and meal selections) at 416-923-3414 (e-mail: cahsnatmem67@sympatico.ca)
If you are considering attending, don’t delay — since the final tally for food and seating has to be confirmed in advance.
Iron Maiden 747-400 at YYZ
story and photo by Danilo Cekrdzin
On April 2,2016 an Air Atlanta Icelandic Boeing 747-400 registration TF-AAK arrived at Toronto from Montreal. The famous British rock band Iron Maiden leased the aircraft for its latest Book of Souls tour. The jet was piloted by the leader of the band, Bruce Dickinson, a licenced ATP pilot who also works for Air Atlanta. It was custom painted in an eye catching colour scheme as ‘Ed Force One’ featuring IRON MAIDEN titles and the band’s mascot ‘Eddy’ on the tail. A group of about 60 Pearson aviation enthusiasts gathered on top of a parking garage on Airport road to photograph the arrival. There was a tense moment for the entire the group while waiting for runaway assignment for the aircraft, but that soon turned into joy as Runway 23 was announced. When it landed it turned left off the runway and taxied back on taxiway Hotel and runaway 15 towards the Signature North Lounge. It was pushed into the tight space by an airport tug. It was greeted by large crowds of Iron Maiden fans who significantly outnumbered the aviation enthusiasts and were seen around the North Lounge fence line for the rest of the weekend. The aircraft remained parked there until April 4 when it departed to Detroit for its next gig.
Upcoming events
May 3rd Peel Regional Police BBQ
The annual Peel Region al Police Airport Division Open House and BBQ will take place this year on Tuesday May 3rd, from 11am – 2pm. YYZ Airport Watch will man a table as usual to field questions about our group. All YYZAW members are welcome to attend, whether to just look around at the PRP and GTAA Emergency Services displays and equipment, or to help us man the table for a while. All proceeds from the very reasonably priced and tasty BBQ will go to Air Canada’s Dreams Take Flight program supporting underprivileged children as usual.
June 12 ORBIS Plane Pull
The ORBIS Flying Eye Hospital plane pull charity event will take place on June 12 from 9:30am to 14:00 at FedEx Hub @ Pearson International Airport, 6895 Bramalea Rd, Mississauga, L5S1Z7. They are looking for volunters as well as teams, so please feel free to sign up at:
or contact planepullforsight@orbis.org
NOTE: It is usually a FedEx or Morningstar aircraft that is pulled, it is unlikely the ORBIS DC-10 will actually be present. This is not a YYZAW official event so members who wish to attend should sign up on their own. Please feel free to wear your YYZAW official gear, and send us some photos and a short writeup for the website if you wish.
Spotting Note:
Iron Maiden’s Ed Force One Boeing 747 will be in Toronto on April 2-4 for their concert on April 3rd. Although any kind of YYZAW group tour is unlikely, we are looking into it. It should be a big draw for the local enthusiasts, similar to the 757 from several years ago piloted by the band’s leader Bruce Dickinson!
YYZ Airport Watch 2016 Annual General Meeting Report

February 6th was the 2016 YYZ Airport Watch Annual General Meeting held at the GTAA Airport Emergency Services Centre (AESC). Approximately 60 members attended, renewed their annual memberships, and enjoyed the presentations.
The meeting was relatively scaled down compared to previous AGMs for a number of reasons. Several guest speakers had been planned, but unfortunately had to cancel due to other commitments. Representation from our official partners at GTAA, Peel Regional Police and the International Airport Watch Association were unable to attend, but sent along their best regards. GTAA of course hosted the event at the AESC, provided Audio Visual equipment and also kindly covered the cost of our Tim Horton’s refreshments for the AGM. Thanks GTAA!
In lieu of a guest speaker this year we looked within the group for presentations. Firstly John Bertram did several presentations. The first was a video of the 2011 airside tour, the first specific Tour for the group since our initial Tour airside for the inaugural arrival of the Emirates Airbus A380 in June 2009. John then went on to do an interesting promotional piece on the Canadian Aviation Historical Society, a worthy organization to which a good number of our members belong. He is an active member and invites anyone interested to join. We can pass your name along to John or Sheldon Benner, the Toronto Chapter secretary if you want more information on CAHS. John closed with a photo essay on some of his journeys across Ontario in search of gate guards, or aircraft preserved and on public display. These can be in a variety of location, in cities as memorials, adjacent to legions or civic buildings, and obviously on military bases. Great presentations, thanks John!
Ken Mist, the YYZ Airport Watch webmaster did a very interesting presentation about the Commemorative Air Force’s Red Tail Mustang program. The program revolves around the legendary Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. This elite unit of all-black fighter pilots went from an underestimated token unit, to the most requested protectors of the American bomber force in the air war over Europe. Ken has spent a couple of summers on the airshow circuit as a volunteer and spokesman for the program, travelling with the mobile display and the P-51 Red Tail Mustang. The Tuskegee Mustang is one of the most sought after in the airshow business, and the educational benefit that the program presents is unprecedented in the industry. Canadian warbird Pilot Bill Shepherd is one of the pilots and also has a lot of flying experience with the Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association. Bill has flown the Tuskegee Mustang for several airshow seasons now. The Red Tail Mustang is a familiar sight on the Ontario airshow circuit, (appeared at CIAS 2014) and will undoubtedly return to Ontario skies soon.
GTAA has been very helpful with our member identification materials, and our latest effort will be to work with them and Peel Regional Police to equip our membership with Airport Watch safety vests to be worn whenever on patrol at YYZ (hopefully at minimal cost). We will pass information along on this as thing transpire.
2015 was a difficult year for the group with illnesses and deaths in several board member’s families. Andy Cline lost his father after a long, good life in April. Several of the board members kindly flew to North Bay on short notice for the funeral which was greatly appreciated along with flowers from the group, as well as personal messages from some of you. Andy spent a lot of time in North Bay with his elderly mother, almost every weekend up till recently. Driving 4 hours each way has severely impacted his free time, and time available for Airport Watch. Rob McNeil’s father has also been ill in the UK.
Derek Horsey has been our YYZ Airport Watch tours director for many years. He suddenly resigned his post in November when he was diagnosed with advanced colon cancer. The outlook is not good. The doctors said 3 months with no treatment, and perhaps 6 if he opted for chemo and radiation. Derek is such a proud man that he refused treatment and wanted to maintain his dignity as long as possible.
Andy had a wonderful visit with Derek in hospital on January 28th. “Obviously I was trepidacious about the visit, not sure what to say and such, but it was fine. Derek was very happy to see me and I felt privileged to be one of the few he allowed to visit. I joked that he didn’t look any more miserable than usual, and he howled with laughter! That broke get ice and we chatted for well over an hour. He explained the situation thoroughly. He was emotional at times, which seemed to upset him most of all. A true British gentleman daunted by not being able to keep a stiff upper lip! He was lucid and funny and had a few emotional moments We chatted about the group and spotting. He is determined to finish his Heathrow logs! I brought him a bunch of magazines which pleased him. We created a plaque with a photo of Derek at YYZ spotting with his binoculars and the YYZAW logo with the thanks from the group and committee. He was very moved by it and it is proudly displayed in his room. His daughter works in the hospital and her boss sometimes visits Derek , she just received a plaque from Lions Club, and Derek said he will be proud to show her his much superior plaque. He sends the group his best, but regrets that he wants no visitors please. Again we thank him for his significant efforts on behalf of the group.”
The YYZ Airport Watch committee has consequently undergone a few changes. Robert MacNeil has taken over the tours chair from Derek, and hopes to get things back on track. 2015 unfortunately saw no group tours for numerous reasons (NavCan has cancelled all tower tours for non-pilots or ATC people, Our Fire Department contact Andy Armstrong has been off on medical leave). Paul Thacker has kindly agreed to fill Rob’s shoes in the Community Relations position. After Andy’s request for assistance with some of his duties, several members kindly stepped forward and we will send news as things develop. Joe Martelli kindly agreed to help get our spring cleanup of spotting areas (FedEx) started again, and we will send out an announcement about that shortly.
IAWA Update
Here is an update from the Jacques Brunelle at the IAWA. Greetings from Ottawa:
I myself, am continuing on to support Airport Watch even though I recently retired from the RCMP after 30+ years of service. BORDERPOL as you may recall, signed a Cooperative Agreement in November with IAWA to promote, expand and increase training for Airport Watch groups in North America. IAWA members have also accepted to be part of the BORDERPOL’s advisory board. BORDERPOL is global in reach and is a not-for-profit organization based in Ottawa, Canada. It’s aims include supporting law enforcement programmes at international ports of entry.
As to IAWA’s permanent board members; Al Cooper in Minneapolis, Nelson Plamondon and myself in Ottawa, have each been very occupied up on personal issues since Christmas but we are hoping to squeeze past these roadblocks in the coming weeks. Bad timing for IAWA but unavoidable. As well, Officer Joel Vargas continues on with several job functions in the Chicago-Bensenville area including coordinating ORD Airport Watch.
With BORDERPOL cooperation, we are forming a temporary IAWA Steering Committee to help guide our coming development of IAWA Airport Watch. Members will include security experts from major airports and international airlines who have already expressed an interest to assist at the recent BORDERPOL World Congress held in December in The Hague. At that World Congress, our written Cooperative Agreement between BORDERPOL and IAWA was formally announced to members from 43 countries.
For the coming months, we are postponing our usual July IAWA international conference as we are still putting together a sponsorship proposal via BORDERPOL so that training requirements are sponsored. Once that framework is set, we can plan for a properly supported international training conference which I am estimating could be in September. Local group training of course can carry on.
In cooperation with BORDERPOL, our new policing partners involved in Airport Watch / Plane Watch programs in the UK are also doing their national training conference for their own volunteer groups namely, Stansted, Heathrow and Gatwick airports with their own national expansion in mind. It’s early in planning but we are invited to attend. Last year’s UK conference was held at the RAF Museum.
We will announce further developments as they become available.
Jacques Brunelle, IPMChair, International Airport Watch Association (IAWA)Ottawa internationalairportwatch.orgairportwatch@gmail.com
Our door prize raffle at the end of the AGM used our old membership cards for those who attended. Aviation World kindly donated some JustPlanes DVDs and YYZAW member Roman Sydor kindly donated two watches for the draw, all well received by the recipients. The meeting was closed with a slide show by Andrew Cline of an aerial photo shoot over Pearson in a helicopter which took place in November. The images provided unique views of YYZ and aircraft on the gates, taxiing, landing and taking off and air-to-air.
Members who could not make the meeting are required to renew ASAP. As usual, please contact Andy or Fred at Aviation World Monday to Saturday (ONLY) from 10-00-18:00. We require your old membership card and $10.00 cash to renew. Please call ahead to 416-674-5959 to make sure one of us will be here when you plan on coming in. NOTE: If we are NOT here, other AvWorld staff CANNOT help in YYZ Airport Watch matters. Please note: As previously announced, YYZAW renewals will cost $10.00 until March 19 at which time renewal fee will be increased to $15.00. Renewals after that time will cost $15.00 This will hopefully help to have renewals completed as soon as possible.
Thanks to Parr Yonemoto for the photo attached.
Ride UP express for free this family day weeknd!
This Family Day long weekend, ride UP Express for free – Saturday, February 13th through Monday, February 15th.
UP Express is opening its doors to give families a chance to spend the weekend exploring all Toronto has to offer.
UP Express is a dedicated rail link that speeds from Union Station to Pearson Airport, with convenient stops near shopping and restaurants at Bloor and Weston. It’s a comfortable and reliable 25 minute ride, with trains leaving every 15 minutes, no matter what’s happening on the roads.
Travel Smarter. Take the Train.
UP is designed for travellers – even if your travel plans are local this Family Day weekend. Come and see what great service is all about on UP Express.
Free Ride Service Details
· Saturday, February 13th – 5:30 AM until 1:00 AM
· Sunday, February 14th – 5:30 AM until 1:00 AM
· Monday, February 15th – 5:30 AM until 1:00 AM
Regular pricing:
Family One-way Includes up to 2 adults 18 years of age or over and up to 3 children under the age of 18 |
$55.00 |
Family Meeter and Greeter Return Families (up to 2 adults 18 years of age or over and up to 3 children under the age of 18) meeting travellers at the airport may purchase this return ticket. Trips must originate from Union, Bloor and Weston stations, with a fare expiration of 4 hours from the trip start. |
$55.00 |
Family Long Layover Return Families (up to 2 adults 18 years of age or over and up to 3 children under the age of 18) with long flight layovers can purchase this return ticket. Valid from Pearson Station only with an expiration of 7 hours from trip start time. |
$55.00 |
Children under 13 years old always ride free!
Annual AGM
Greetings YYZ Airport Watch Membership.
It’s AGM time again, where did 2015 disappear to? Happy New Year to all, and we hope everyone had a great year!
Please plan on attending the YYZ Airport Watch Annual General Meeting on Saturday February 6th at 10:00 (doors should be open early, so please feel free to show up as early as 9:30 to get signed in and membership renewed. As usual the AGM will take place at the GTAA Airport Emergency Support Centre (AESC) at 2935 Convair Drive
Please remember to bring your old ID card, and $10.00 annual renewal fee (NOTE, if you have a friend who is a member that cannot attend, you may renew on their behalf by bringing $10.00 and their old card). The meeting will be approximately 2 hours long, possibly with GTAA / PRP / IAWA officials speaking, as well as The YYZAW committee comments and reports. A few interesting presentations from members will also be carried out.
If you cannot attend the meeting, Membership may be renewed after the fact, instructions will be sent out shortly after the meeting. NOTE: As a method to accumulate renewals as early as possible and to save Committee members from chasing people, we are planning on increasing renewal fee from $10.00 to $15.00 after March 1, so please renew at the AGM, or follow renewal instructions that will be sent out after the meeting. Again, you can have a friend do your renewal for you at the AGM if you are unable to attend, so give them your old ID card and $10.00 cash in advance.
Hours Logs
Also, please update your 2015 spotting log hours on the website before the end of the month so we can complete out year end statistics. If you are having problems submitting hours online to contact our web administrator Ken Mist at ken@kenmist.com to reset your account. Please provide your full name and APWM number.
Regards, YYZ Airport Watch Committee