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In partnership with the
Greater Toronto Airports Authority, Peel Regional Police & Royal Canadian Mounted Police
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Diamond Aircraft & London FIC Tours
Members of the YYZ Airport Watch had the pleasure of touring the Diamond Aircraft plant and the London Flight Information Centre. The Airport Watch committee would like to thank the following for their help and coordination with the tours. Cathy Wood (Diamond Aircraft), Mike Woods, Gina Reed, & Stephen Peck (Nav Canada).
May 13th 2006 was a most interesting day for those members of YYZ Airport Watch that were fortunate to make the list of the few persons allowed to tour Diamond Aircraft Co. the London manufacturer of the well known training and touring aircraft types produced at this plant.
Most of us met at the nearby Tim Horton's for a quick coffee before proceeding to the plant for the 1000hrs tour, others, not wishing to miss the tour decided to meet in front of the impressive building. Inside we were greeted by the tour guide who had us seated in their boardroom quickly, efficiently and expectantly. We were not to be disappointed. The opening remarks by a very competent employee gave a quick history of the origin of the company in Austria, followed by an impressive 'show and tell' of various materials used in the construction of their product.
This was followed by an educational tour of the manufacturing facilities, from bake ovens to paint shops to the actual production lines where many aircraft were in the production stage. Outside the flightline had aircraft awaiting delivery to both Canadian and U.S. Customers.
At the very far end of the production building, tucked away in a corner was the very aircraft most of us had hoped to see - their new prototype Diamond Jet. This aircraft had been unveiled just days prior to our visit. Although no cameras were allowed in the plant, and the area was off limits for close inspection, we were all very excited to be able to see this future generation product of Diamond Aircraft Co., As a group of aircraft enthusiasts we thank the company for allowing us to visit their plant, to their very dedicated employee giving us every detail of their production process in such a professional manner, we all wish them continued success with all current production models and especially with their new jet. Thank you Diamond Aircraft.
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