Story and photos by Andrew H. Cline
A series of rapid fire gunshots rang out in Toronto Pearson International Airport’s Terminal 1 check in area, and passengers and airline staff dove for cover. A man with a hand gun who had been mingling with check in lines had shot off several clips in the midst of passengers in the queue, wounding or killing about 10 people. Peel Regional Police on patrol in the Terminal quickly responded and pursued the suspect, who ran deeper into the terminal building towards the security check in area. As police closed in on the suspect, he committed suicide by turned his gun on himself before he was apprehended. These were the opening moments of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority’s latest major annual emergency exercise on October 6 2015.
“The aim of the exercise is to provide a challenge to GTAA functional groups and external stakeholders to respond to an act of unlawful interference with civil aviation in accordance with existing plans, procedures and protocols. This is done in order to prepare individuals and agencies for a real world event, improve performances and responses, and to test plans and procedures in order to identify shortfalls.” according to the GTAA.
A year’s worth of planning went into the exercise, led by GTAA Exercise Director Carlos Geraldes and Coordinator Amanda Meehan, the architects for the exercise together with a planning committee of representatives from the various departments and agencies involved. Every major airport in Canada is federally mandated to hold a major emergency or security exercise each year. Magnitudes vary depending on the year, one year is a tabletop size, followed by the same scenario the following year as a full scale exercise. These exercises alternate annually between an emergency exercise such as a crash scenario and a security exercise such as a terrorist attack. The exercises are made as realistic as possible while still safely maintaining normal airport operations. The events often take place late at night for this reason, usually at an isolated area of the terminal or airfield to help prevent upsetting or interfering with passengers and airport staff not involved in the exercise. In this case screening was erected to obscure the exercise area from sight and ample signage and numerous PA announcements alerted passengers and airport staff alike in Terminal 1 that an exercise was under way throughout the duration of event. Due to time constraints, the exercise was limited to the response phase, and did not include the recovery phase.
About 100 volunteers gathered at the GTAA Fire & Emergency Services Training Institute (FESTI) and briefings commenced at 21:00. A number of volunteers were assigned special roles, and were segregated from the rest of the volunteers, arriving early to accommodate having casualty makeup applied to replicate wounded victims. A St. John Ambulance team provided very realistic casualty simulation makeup application (CASSIM) to those volunteers who were designated as gunshot victims. These volunteers were briefed on their scripted parts as victims, some of them were tasked with acting panicked and shocked, some screaming, and running around hysterically after the shooting. Most of the other volunteers were simply briefed to act as they normally would while waiting for a flight at the airport and asked to respond as they normally would to the scenario as it unfolded. This included the use of social media, which the GTAA media department monitors and briefs everyone ahead of time to stipulate clearly that it is only an exercise by using the social media hastag: #YYZEmergEx . “Exercise! Exercise! Exercise!” was heard on GTAA, company and emergency services radio calls at the beginning of each transmission in order to avoid confusion and reaction to a real incident instead of the simulation.
The volunteers as well as the observers and controllers were bussed from FESTI to Terminal 1 prior to the start of the exercise. They gathered in the international check in area of Terminal 1. Volunteers were asked to bring their own carry on bags, and additional empty luggage was provided by GTAA to augment the exercise. Personnel from Copa Airlines and Emirates simulated ‘European Airlines’ flight 002 to Brussels and ‘Bright Star Airways’ flight number BS001 to Dubai for the flights that the passengers were checking in for.
The exercise commenced with the shooting curb side of a Commissionaire when he challenged an assailant who then abandoned his vehicle and fled into into Terminal 1. He then mingled with passengers in the check in lines. The active shooter then unleashing his weapon on the unsuspecting passengers in the queue. Everyone in the crowd immediately dropped to the ground, or took refuge with the airline employees behind the check in counters. Peel Regional Police on terminal foot patrol quickly responded and pursued the active shooter, who killed himself before he could be apprehended. The Peel Regional Police tactical team arrived and methodically secured the area, establishing a perimeter around the scene. Police then started providing first aid to the most seriously injured, and reassuring victims that help was on the way, before fire and medical personnel arrived. The first Peel Regional paramedics commenced triage of victims as soon as they arrived, prioritizing urgency of treatment. Each injured victim had a triage tag filled out and attached to them, categorizing them for immediate or delayed treatment and transportation. Police and fire personnel helped with the triage by moving ambulatory patients and uninjured people to areas away from the seriously injured, this helped expedite the casualty evacuation. Immediate treatment was provided prior to being made ready for transport by ambulance, and loaded aboard by paramedic teams. Once aboard the ambulances, they were hooked up to monitors for the best simulation value possible. Ambulatory and uninjured passengers were kept in concentrated areas for processing and interrogation by officials in order to get as much information about the incident as possible.
Evaluators from GTAA, FESTI, Peel Regional Police other police, fire and paramedic agencies and airlines all oversaw the exercise, as did observers from numerous other airlines and organizations. The entire event was filmed by multiple cameras, still and video, for training purposes. A large debrief was held at FESTI after the exercise for the participants, controllers, evaluators and observers in order to give feedback on all aspects of the exercise from various perspectives. The resulting input became part of the full after action report. Volunteers were given a nice souvenir satchel with an EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT logo and an Emirates sports cushion as well as refreshments and snacks by GTAA after the event as thanks for their participation.
Six YYZ Airport Watch members volunteered for the event, each taking on different roles as passengers. They included Andrew Cline, John Griffith, Rob Jones, Ken Mist, Ron Stanley and Aleksandar Vlasevski. This was not an official Airport Watch event, but a general announcement goes out to group members to help fill the vital volunteer positions. Many members of the Toronto Pearson Welcome Team volunteer program also participated as passengers.
EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT was deemed a big success. Lessons learned are applied to help streamline inter-agency interaction and procedures in the event that a similar situation was to transpire for real. The participating agencies use the exercise as a tool to coordinate their responses to emergency situations of this nature. The numerous observers took away a lot of valuable information for their own organizations to maximize the learning benefits of this major exercise.
Amanda Meehan, Carlos Geraldes, GTAA Exerccise Coordinator, EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669Amanda Meehan, GTAA Exerccise Coordinator, EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669Peel Regional Police, PRP, EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669Peel Regional Police, PRP, EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669Peel Regional Police, PRP, EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669Peel Regional Police, PRP, EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669EXERCISE HOLLOW POINT, GTAA Emergency Exercise, Live Shooter, Greater Toronto Airports Authority, October6 2015, Toronto Lester B.Pearson International Airport, CYYZ, YYZ, Toronto, Mississauga, ON, (c) copyright Andrew H. Cline 2015, Andy Cline, Andrew Cline, andrew.cline@sympatico.ca, 416 209 2669
It is with a degree of sadness we have to report the recent passing of our most senior YYZ Airport Watch member. Christer Sundberg was a good friend and an original member of Airport Watch since 2004, and is very much missed. He was a proud member of the group, and almost every month racked up the highest ‘hours spent’ reported total of any of our members. Although he was retired, he considered Airport Watch his job, and spent about 5 or 6 hours a day at YYZ spotting (and sometimes napping!), usually at the north end or the infield. His totals were very impressive, usually logging over 100 hours a month, a fact very much appreciated by our official partners at Peel Regional Police and the GTAA. Chris had an amazing wit and sense of humour, and although he had a lot of health problems in recent years, he never seemed to let it get him down. He often complained about plants growing too high on the airside of the fence, and obstructing his view, and whenever the airport authority got around to cutting them down, he justifiably took credit for it! We hope he has an even better vantage point for spotting where he is now! Our condolences go out to his daughter Anita and Christer’s family and friends.
Here is the note from Anita:
Hi, I am contacting you regarding my father Christer Sundberg. I just wanted to let you know that he recently passed away at the age of 86. He was a long time member of airport watch and it meant the world to him. I know that he spent many hours, days and years at the airport and he loved it. I don’t know if you know that he was in the Toronto Star on August 15th of 2000. I am his daughter and we lived together. I know that someone would call and ask for his hours. Thank-you for allowing him to spend his days at the airport it really kept him going. Sincerely, Anita Sundberg
As of the YYZAW AGM held February 7th, most of the Airport Watch membership has been equipped with two new pieces of Identification Gear. Firstly, GTAA has kindly provided GTAA Logo Lanyards for all members at no charge. These are to be used with our identification cards in all occasions when spotting at Pearson. When not in use, please store them out of sight (not hanging from your mirror for example).
YYZ Airport Watch Vehicle Flags
As part of our 10th anniversary celebration in 2014, YYZ Airport Watch’s vehicle flag program is now well underway. The idea originated with the Montreal Airport Watch. We have acquired enough flags for the entire membership (one per vehicle), and they have been distributed to most members. The flags provide a much easier way of recognizing our personnel from a distance, thereby increasing our deterrent factor at Pearson. The program is endorsed by GTAA and Peel Regional Police (and hopefully will be sponsored by these agencies). As standard procedure, We will continue to use our existing dash banners, and door magnets in conjunction with the vehicle flags. The authorities prefer us to use the flags wherever and whenever possible, because they are much more visible from any direction than the magnets and dash banners, and help provide an very visible deterrent as such.
Due to the nature of the plastic flag pole, they are susceptible to cold weather, and can tend to snap if bent when extremely cold. If you drive with them on your window, the window must be closed on the mount, or else they will blow off. If you have aftermarket tinted windows, please be cautious that the clamp mount doesn’t damage the tint material. NOTE: The flag mounts are inherently very tight, and can be difficult to fit onto the glass initially. They can be used on some vehicles with thin glass as-is, but may require adjustment, especially for North American vehicles, which have thicker glass. Please see the instructions below for adjustment of the mount. Instructions for adjusting flags for vehicle windows (or how to cook a flag!):
figure 1:Immerse flag mount in boiling or very hot water for about 30 seconds. (Please wear protective gloves, it is hot water!)
figure 2:Insert a metal device such as a chisel, scraper or flat-head screwdriver into the gap in order to widen it.
figure 3:Allow it to cool for several minutes, and remove the spreading device. Test fit on your vehicle window, and repeat if necessary in order to widen the gap. The mount should be tight on the window, but not too tight to install.
You may pick up your YYZ Airport Watch Flag and renew your membership at Aviation World from Andy or Fred most weekdays, and Saturdays. Please kindly call ahead to 416-674-5959 to make sure one of us is there to help you (no other AvWorld staff is able to do Airport Watch business!
Antonov Design Bureau AN-124 ADB2976 scheduled in at 10am local this Sunday March 8. If you catch any pictures, submit them to the webmaster for possible inclusion.
UPDATE: A great turnout of members! We were treated to a clear cold morning and a shining Ruslan.
The last day of February brought blue skies and a rare visitor. Qatar Airways Cargo brought a Boeing 777-FDZ to YYZ for a very quick turn around. A7-BFD was delivered to the airline in 2012. Plenty of spotters were out for a look at this beautiful aircraft.
As previously mentioned in the December general message, It’s time for the YYZ Airport Watch Annual General Meeting. Please plan on attending this Saturday February 7th at 10:00. As usual, it will take place at the GTAA Airport Emergency Support Centre (AESC) at 2935 Convair Drive (Directions are in attached pdf documents.), commencing at 10:00. We recommend arriving early, approximately 09:30 or so in order to get signed in.
Please remember to bring your old ID card, and $10.00 annual renewal fee (NOTE, if you have a friend who is a member that cannot attend, you may renew on their behalf by bringing $10.00 and their old card). The meeting will be approximately 2 hours long, possibly with GTAA / PRP / IAWA officials speaking, as well as The YYZAW committee comments and reports. Plans are in the works for an interesting guest speaker.
If you cannot attend the meeting, Membership may be renewed after the fact, instructions will be sent out after the meeting.
YYZ Airport Watch Committee
Promoting airport security through the eyes of enthusiasts